A foreign natural or legal person can found a company in Slovenia.
We take care of the complete procedure of founding a company in Slovenia.
To found d.o.o. (Ltd) in Slovenia we need:
- a company name, shortened name and data on the company headquarters
- data about the owner/s,
- natural person: name/s and surname/s, place of residence
- legal person: a certified copy of the excerpt of the company from the Register of Companies, not older than 1 month
- data about the representative/s: name and surname, place of residence,
- the activities that the company will register,
- initial founding capital (7,500.00 EUR)
- division of share (in case of company with two or more co-owners)
- tax code to a foreign national (we can obtain tax identification number for you)
We can also organize the bookkeeping in Slovenia.
We also organize rental office.
Establishment company in Slovenia will be regulated in a very short time.
To acquire a tax number for the foreign citizen we need:
- A copy of a valid identity document
- an undersigned authorization that we can acquire the tax number for you (we prepare the authorization form)
- A business partner with an 22 year tradition in the field of founding companies and business consulting for Slovene and international clients
- Business information and services in one spot
- Complete transparency of procedures and costs
- Personal service – adapting to your needs
- A quick realization of the procedure of founding a d. o. o. (Ltd) in accordance with the legislature of the particular state (in the shortest possible time) – saving you time and money
- A quicker start of your company – d. o. o. (Ltd)
- Verified, high-quality experts – accountants, legal and tax experts in particular states
- Necessary information for the begin of the company’s operating activities in the particular state:
- calculation of the starting costs of he newly founded company
- possibility of renting headquarters/business address and anticipated costs
- anticipated costs of the bookkeeping
- sales tax in particular states, VAT rate
- Simplified administrative and official procedures of founding a company in a particular country (in accordance with the legislature)
- Professional assistance with the acquisition of permits for the start of operating activities that are necessary in a particular state